Grandchildren are a gift from the Lord. Jeremiah and Sheldon are about the same age and they spent a lot of time together when they both lived here. Grandma called them her Katzenjammers. They were always into something they shouldn't be. There is an old saying: "One boy is a boy, two boys are half a boy and three boys are no boy at all". The boys didn't have any idea who the Katzenjammers were so a couple years ago when we ran across an old Katzenjammer comic strip we copied it off and sent it to them.
When Mark and Sheldon moved to Colorado we sometimes took Jeremiah with us to visit them. On this trip, when we went to Durango, we took both Jeremiah and Jonas with us.
Wolf Creek pass is always exciting. We saw a truck that didn't make the curve and was hanging down on the side of the mountain. This was before they widened the road.
We had a great time riding the Durango-Silverton train, if you could keep the smoke and ashes out of your eyes. Mark took the boys fishing up at Siverton while we rode the train up.
One day Mark took us to the top of a mountain in his 4WD pickup. It was a totally undeveloped, one way path to the top, rocks and all. If you met someone one of you had to back up to where you could get by each other. There were new 4WD vehicles that started up and had to go back, but we made it. Then the real excitement came at the top. There was a place where you could turn around but it was only about 25' X 25'. Mark made us all get out while he turned the truck around. Sometime part of the back end of the truck was hanging over the edge of a sheer cliff.
That was enough excitement for one day! On the way down we stopped and the boys played in the snow. This was in the summer. We found two beautiful rock crystals there, one purple and one clear crystal.
We really enjoyed having our grandsons with us.