We received This announcement with great Joy because he was our first great grandson and his father ask if they could name him after me. So that was something special to me. BUT I WANT TO TELL YOU ABOUT A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT GIVEN TO ME AT THE AGE OF 38 YEARS OLD. This was the announcement made 2000 years ago and still being announced today: " TODAY IN THE TOWN OF DAVID A SAVIOR HAS BEEN BORN TO YOU; HE IS CHRIST THE LORD." Lk.2:11. "The thief came only to steal and kill and destroy; (he was doing a good job at that in my life) "I (JESUS) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John.10:10. That is what this birth announcement is all about. With Great Joy celebrate Christ"s birthday. Don't let any thing or anyone steal this LOVE from you.
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