I was born at home in Delphos and moved to a farm when I was 8 days old. I still live on that same farm today. We had no electricity,no running water,we heated with wood. We walked to country school hot or cold, rain or shine. Had chores morning and evening. First football game I ever saw I played in as a freshman in high school. Football turned out to be one of my strongest accomplishments. Was married in 1952 to Darlene R. Krizek from Simpson, Ks. then six weeks later I was drafted in the army during the Korean war. Our first son, Stephan, was born at Fort Sill Oklahoma. Son Mark A. was born Sept.15, 1955, son Thomas L. born Sept.28,1957. In 1964 we were blessed with a daughter Vicki J. Have done many things beside farming to help keep the farm going and enough to live on.Truck driving, Guard at missile base,road work, several small jobs in town. Served on school board, Fair president, County Commissioner 24 years, Chaplain for our county jail 35 years. In 1981 friends helped to build a large room on our home which is called The Lean-To Christian Center. We still meet there every Sunday. Luke4:18-19 is the basis for meeting and serving. JESUS IS LORD
This is another Tommy story. He is the ornery one after all. One day he took me, Renda, Rhonda, and Rita up to the cave. It was always a challenge walking through the pasture trying not to get any cactus needles in your tennis shoes. We all followed Tommy, on our hands and knees through the narrow opening to the cave. As we all set Indian style in a circle inside the cave. It was dark in the cave, but from the light coming through the cave opening we could see something falling from the cave ceiling. Tommy showed us the indian markings in the cave, then the flashlight turned to the ceiling of the cave. Now we knew what had been falling, there was hundreds of crickets on the ceiling, and us 4 girls screaming and crawling for the exit at the same time. Tommy stayed in the cave, he knew he better not come out for awhile.
I do believe my kids played there too? What great memories you have. Regina
Loved your photos and comments. Your life was very interesting. My kids also played at that cave. Great memories for them too. Regina
This is another Tommy story. He is the ornery one after all. One day he took me, Renda, Rhonda, and Rita up to the cave. It was always a challenge walking through the pasture trying not to get any cactus needles in your tennis shoes. We all followed Tommy, on our hands and knees through the narrow opening to the cave. As we all set Indian style in a circle inside the cave. It was dark in the cave, but from the light coming through the cave opening we could see something falling from the cave ceiling. Tommy showed us the indian markings in the cave, then the flashlight turned to the ceiling of the cave. Now we knew what had been falling, there was hundreds of crickets on the ceiling, and us 4 girls screaming and crawling for the exit at the same time. Tommy stayed in the cave, he knew he better not come out for awhile.
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