I asked our family what Christmas meant to them
Steve &Deb= Christmas is time for family gatherings to celebrate the birth of Jesus and visit and have a good time
Abby & Kevin= Christmas is a time with family and the ones you love. Shyann=Christmas is when you're supposed to spend time with the ones you love. Ashly= Christmas is the time to celebrate the birth of Jesus and to spend time with your loved one. Jeremiah & Tracy=Christmas is a time of giving and being with people you care about. Jonas & Maggie and Jack= It's time for family gatherings,fun and celebrating Jesus birthday.
Mark= Hope. Sheldon & Jenny and Max= Christmas is a time to spend with family. It is a holiday when Christians can come together and reflect on what is important in their lives.
Thom= Homecoming, Love and warmth. Isiah= It is a day to celebrate Jesus birthday. Steve & Megan, Jada And Joey= Birth of Jesus,celebration, family and friends.
Harold= A time of giving, of celebration. Vicki= Blessed event, family, show love through giving. Cameron= of Jesus. = Courtney Christ is born.
Darlene - Mom= Christmas is the time to remember and observe the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He paid the price we could never pay. Who would ever have imagined that God would send a baby to save us? I'm so grateful for what He has done for us and I'm extremely grateful for the family and friends He has given me whom I love with my whole heart. Max-Dad= Christ became man so He could take our place for our sins. He was a Son so we can become Sons. That is Love. Christmas is Love. And I love my wife and family very much and also my neighbor with God's help. " We love because he first loved us." John.4:19 " By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" John.13:35
I would like to have some of your comments on our blog especially you that visit regularly. MERRY CHRISTMAS
It's a time to be around all of our family and friends.
Christmas meant as a child coming home to grandparents homes. To visit with our aunt's uncle's and cousins. Max William Hoesli Jr is my uncle Bill as we always called him and grandad was Max. We always thought if anyone was talking about Max it was grandad Max. Now Uncle Bill is grandad Max too. But to me he will always be Uncle Bill or Billy Max. We knew every marker along the trip to grandad's home when we seen the two red barns on the highway we knew it was a right turn and three miles down the road. Couldn't wait to play with our cousins.
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